Arthur Lee Jacobson plant expert
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Additions to Trees of Seattle

In an effort to keep current on the fluctuating tree population of Seattle, the following updates, corrections and additions to the second edition are presented. If you desire to suggest any new information, please feel welcome. Thanks.

1) Trees in the 2nd edition of Trees of Seattle that have died:

Blackwood ACACIA. Acacia melanoxylon R. Br.
The U.W. row south of the West campus parking garage was destroyed in April 2008.

Everblooming ACACIA. Acacia retinodes Schledtl.
The young tree at 3240 NE 96th St died in the winter of 2005-2006. So did one in my garden. Maybe they will re-sprout . . .

Red-stemmed Wattle ACACIA. Acacia rubida A. Cunn.
The tree at Lima Terrace S was killed by the November 2010 freeze.

Screwpod ACACIA. Acacia pravissima F. v. Muell. ex Benth.
The tree at 4340 NE 55th St died in the winter of 2006-2007. Maybe it will re-sprout . . .

Silver Wattle ACACIA. Acacia dealbata Link
The tree at Lima Terrace S was killed by the November 2010 freeze.

hybrid ALMOND TREE. Prunus persicoides 'Pollardii'
Sometime in late 2006 or early 2007, the specimen at 25th Ave E & E McGraw St was cut.

Japanese ANGELICA TREE TREE. Aralia elata (Miq.) Seem.
The hefty tree specimen 60th Ave S was cut down, but small suckers remain on the property.

Japanese APRICOT. Prunus Mume (Sieb.) S. & Z.
The tree at 3503 S Graham St was cut down in the winter of 2005-2006. The one on E Blaine St broke up badly in November 2008.

ARBORVITAE. Thuja occidentalis 'Lutea'
The U.W. Clark Hall specimen was cut in 2008.

European ASH. Fraxinus excelsior L.
Before or in July 2006 a street-tree on Thackeray Place NE (and an elm north of it) was cut down. In late 2015, the UW plant Lab tree blew down.

Green ASH. Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marsh.
The 2006 mid-December storm blew down one of 7 on 13th Ave E. It was a male. Also two of six specimens at Madrona Park went down then.

Narrowleaf ASH. Fraxinus angustifolia Vahl 'Dr. Pirone'
The 2006 mid-December storm blew down about half on 27th Ave.

European BEECH. Fagus sylvatica 'Aspleniifolia'
In early summer of 2006 two specimens at the U.W. were cut down on the lawn west of Odegaard Library.

European BEECH. Fagus sylvatica 'Purple Fountain'
In May or June 2007 two previously lofty specimens on Airport Way S were beheaded. In 2014 both were destroyed.

Antarctic Southern-BEECH. Nothofagus anarctica (Forst. Fil) Oerst
The 2006 mid-December storm tore a big piece out of one of the two Arboretum 'Puget Pillar' trees (#827-76).

White BIRCH. Betula pendula Roth
In November, 2013, the stout tree on 17th Ave NE was blown down.

Yellow BIRCH. Betula alleghaniensis Britt.
While the book was in press, the U.W. tree crew cut down one (the largest of three) 64 feet tall on the Denny Hall lawn; in 2016 the 2nd largest went.

Mount Ætna BROOM. Genista ætnensis (Biv.) DC.
The 27th Ave NE tree was cut in the winter of 2010-11. But a much larger tree is at 2466 Westlake Avenue N.

CASCARA. Rhamnus Purshiana DC.
The large Arboretum specimen was cut some time in the summer of 2007.

Hybrid CATALPA. Catalpa erubescens Carr.
While the book was in press, the Seattle Parks Department cut down one 46 feet tall south of 2 smaller Yellow catalpas on the E border of Volunteer Park.

Northern CATALPA. Catalpa speciosa Warder ex Engelm.
The Flo Ware Park specimen was cut some time in 2006.

Northern CATALPA. Catalpa speciosa Warder ex Engelm.
The larger Lake View Cemetery specimen was cut in 2009.

Northern CATALPA. Catalpa speciosa Warder ex Engelm.
The UW specimen NE of Architecture Hall was cut in 2009.

Northern CATALPA. Catalpa speciosa Warder ex Engelm.
The 37th Ave E tree fell in late August, 2012.

Southern CATALPA. Catalpa bignonioides Walt.
The 2006 mid-December storm blew down one of 6 at Seward Park.

Southern CATALPA. Catalpa bignonioides 'Aurea'
The 17th Ave E specimen was cut in 2007.

Yellow CATALPA. Catalpa ovata G. Don
While the book was in press, the Seattle Parks Department cut down one 49 feet tall on the E border of Volunteer Park.

Yellow, Hybrid and Southern CATALPAS. Catalpa
In the winter of 2005-2006, the Seattle Parks Department cut down most of these at Ballard Playground; one Hybrid was left N of the ballfield; adjacent Adams School still has a Hybrid to its west, a Yellow CATALPA NW of the building and a Hybrid to the NE.

Atlantic White CEDAR. Chamæcyparis thyoides (L.) B.S.P.
By spring 2010, the specimen on Surber Drive NE was gone.

Japanese CEDAR. Cryptomeria japonica (Th. ex L. fil.) D. Don 'Elegans'
The 2006 mid-December storm blew over one 33 feet tall at the U.W. south of the Allen Library.

Japanese CEDAR. Cryptomeria japonica (Th. ex L. fil.) D. Don 'Sekkan-Sugi'
The pair at 38th Ave E & E Howe Street were gone by early 2010.

Smooth Tasmanian CEDAR. Athrotaxis cupressoides D. Don
The Kubota Garden Park specimen died in 2006.

Western Red CEDAR. Thuja plicata Donn ex D. Don
On July 6th 2005 an 80-year old specimen in bed #204 at the Locks was cut to give more light to the Chinese Scholar-Tree.

Accolade CHERRY. Prunus 'Accolade'
In 2013, the 38th Ave E & E Denny Way tree was removed.

Bitter CHERRY. Prunus emarginata (Dougl. ex Hook.) Eaton
The 2006 mid-December storm blew over the 90.5 foot-tall Arboretum tree. The 79 foot-tall Paramount Park tree fell in summer 2008. The O.O. Denny Park tree fell, too.

Choke CHERRY. Prunus virginiana L.
While the book was in press, about 5 specimens were cut down at Washington Park Arboretum. They had been with Hollies in the old lath-house area (in or near 38-5E). In the summer of 2006 the Arboretum staff additionally killed the old clump #141-62 located in 16-1W.

Higan CHERRY. Prunus subhirtella Miq.
The two Arboretum specimens in 13-3W were cut down in 2006.

Higan CHERRY. Prunus subhirtella 'Autumnalis Rosea'
Three of 4 at the Seattle Center Intiman Theatre courtyard were cut down in 2007 or 2008.

Higan CHERRY. Prunus subhirtella 'Whitcombii'
The 26-foot tall Washelli Cemetery tree died in 2008.

Japanese Flowering CHERRY. Prunus 'Horinji'
On July 26th, 2014, the Montlake Playfield tree fell.

Japanese Flowering CHERRY. Prunus 'Tanko-shinju'
Sometime in late 2005 or eatly 2006, the Seattle Parks Department cut down Green Lake's only specimen of this extremely rare tree.

Weeping CHERRY. Prunus pendula 'Pendula Rubra'
The large tree at Evergreen Park Cemetery broke up in a storm in 2008.

CHINA-FIR. Cunnighamia lanceolata (Lamb.) Hook.
The 8th Avenue NW specimen was removed in 2008 or 2009.

CHINESE SCHOLAR-TREE. Sophora japonica L.
The Bayard Avenue specimen was removed in 2008.

CHINESE TOON. Toona sinensis (A. Juss.) M. Roem.
The Meadowbrook Park edible arboretum specimen died to the ground down in 2006 - 2007, but has resprouted from the base. The two 20th Ave NE street-trees were cut down in 2011.

Golden CHINQUAPIN. Chrysolepis chrysophylla (Dougl. ex Hook.) Hjelm.
A small specimen (4.5 feet tall) in Washington Park Arboretum (#183-90A in 39-1W) died in summer 2006.

CRABAPPLE. Malus atrosanguinea
The U.W. four by Architecture Hall were cut down in June 2008.

CRABAPPLE. Malus baccata var. mandshurica (Maxim.) Schneid.
The U.W. tree died in about 2010.

CRABAPPLE. Malus coronaria (L.) Mill.
The U.W. tree was cut down in 2011.

CRABAPPLE. Malus 'Else Rathke'
The 21st Ave NE tree was cut down for some reason in 2007. I know no others . . .

CRABAPPLE. Malus 'Flame'
The E Miller St tree was cut down in July 2012.

CRABAPPLE. Malus ioensis 'Plena'
The street tree on 17th Avenue was cut down for some reason in July 2007.

CRABAPPLE. Malus 'John Downie'
The U.W. tree NE of the Burke Museum was cut down for some reason in 2006.

CRABAPPLE. Malus 'Mary Potter'
The 26 foot-tall Arboretum specimen in 13-3W was cut down in 2006.

CRABAPPLE. Malus moerlandsii 'Liset'
The S.U. street tree on Marion St. was cut down in December 2007.

CRABAPPLE. Malus purpurea
The tree on 16th Ave E was cut down in October 2015.

CRABAPPLE. Malus 'Redfield'
The Crockett Steet specimen was cut down in May 2007. It was the only one I knew.

CRABAPPLE. Malus 'Red Silver'
The NE 40th St Steet specimens were cut down in 2009. So was the tree at 30th Ave S & S King St.

CRABAPPLE. Malus 'Vanguard'
St Demetrios Church's 3 specimens were cut down in July 2007.

Hinoki CYPRESS. Chamæcyparis obtusa (S.& Z.) Endl.
In July 2007 Ravenna Park's two specimens were cut. In March 2015, the alley specimen near 33rd Ave E was cut.

Italian CYPRESS. Cupressus sempervirens L.
In 2014, 3 of 5 specimens on Harvard Ave E were cut (and all but 1 Dawn REDWOOD).

Lawson CYPRESS. Chamæcyparis Lawsoniana (A. Murr.) Parl. 'Alumii'
The UW Denny Hall tree was cut in 2016.

Lawson CYPRESS. Chamæcyparis Lawsoniana (A. Murr.) Parl. 'Ellwoodii'
By June 2013, the foillowing specimens were gone: 20th Ave E, 43rd Ave NE, and 29th Ave NE.

Lawson CYPRESS. Chamæcyparis Lawsoniana (A. Murr.) Parl. 'Hillierii'
The specimen on Montlake Blvd E died in 2007.

Lawson CYPRESS. Chamæcyparis Lawsoniana (A. Murr.) Parl. 'Oregon Blue'
Sometime in 2014, the six S.U. trees were removed; some self-sown seedlings remain.

Lawson CYPRESS. Chamæcyparis Lawsoniana (A. Murr.) Parl. 'Stewartii'
Sometime in late 2006, the specimen at 3rd Ave W & W Galer St was cut.

Lawson CYPRESS. Chamæcyparis Lawsoniana (A. Murr.) Parl. 'Westermannii'
In 2011, the Volunteer Park tree died.

Leyland CYPRESS. Cupressus Leylandii Dall. & Jacks. 'Castlewellan'
In 2007, the specimen at 20th Ave E & E Mercer St was cut.

Monterey CYPRESS. Cupressus macrocarpa Hartw. ex Gord. 'Fine Gold'
In January 2011, the specimen on E Newton St was cut.

Sawara CYPRESS. Chamæcyparis pisifera (S.& Z.) Endl.
The 2006 mid-December storm snapped the top off an Acacia Cemetery tree 73.5 feet tall.

Sawara CYPRESS. Chamæcyparis pisifera (S.& Z.) Endl. 'Plumosa Aurea'
The 2006 mid-December storm blew over a Lake View Cemetery tree 52 feet tall.

Bloodtwig DOGWOOD. Cornus sanguinea L.
The U.W. Guggenheim Hall tree was killed in a fall 2006 remodel.

Giant DOGWOOD. Cornus controversa Hemsl.
The old tree at 39th Ave E & E Blaine is gone but its younger offspring to the north remains.

American ELM. Ulmus americana L.
In 2010 the E Denny Way specimen died.

English ELM. Ulmus minor Mill. var. vulgaris (Ait.) Richens
In November 2013, the massive Midvale tree was removed, having succumbed to DED. It was over 100 feet tall and 97 feet wide; trunk 16 feet 10 inches around. In 2016, the largest UW campus tree (Denny lawn) was cut.

Siberian ELM. Ulmus pumila L.
While the book was in press, a storm blew down a large one at Fremont Ave N & N 90th St.

Siberian ELM. Ulmus pumila L.
The 2006 mid-December storm killed the U.W. Medicinal Herb Garden tree.

Smoothleaf ELM. Ulmus minor Mill., s.l. 'Gracilis'
The 14 Arboretum specimens in 9-3W, 10-3W & 11-3W were cut down in 2006. The last U.W. campus tree went in 2015, though root suckers remain.

Cider Gum EUCALYPT. Eucalyptus Gunnii Hook. fil.
The one on N 84th St was cut in 2007.

Snow Gum EUCALYPT. Eucalyptus pauciflora Sieber ex Spreng.
The three at CUH were cut down in 2008. The 19th Ave S street-tree is gone.

Spinning Gum EUCALYPT. Eucalyptus Perriniana F. Muell. ex Rodway
The big one at 45th Ave NE & NE 58th St was cut in 2007. The Arboretum tree by the SR-520 offramp was destroyed in 2014.

Silver Dollar Gum EUCALYPT. Eucalyptus cinerea F. Muell. ex Benth.
The Burke Avenue tree was cut in 2008. The 24th Ave E tree was cut in 2009.

Alpine Ash EUCALYPT. Eucalyptus delegatensis R.T. Bak.
The 33rd Ave NE tree was winter killed.

Blue Gum EUCALYPT. Eucalyptus globulus Labill.
All were winter killed.

Narrowleaf Sally EUCALYPT. Eucalyptus Moorei Labill.
Both were winter killed.

Peppermint Gum EUCALYPT. Eucalyptus Nicholii Maiden & Blakely
All were winter killed.

Shining EUCALYPT. Eucalyptus nitens Maiden.
All were winter damaged, and cut down.

Alpine Yellow Gum EUCALYPT. Eucalyptus subcrenulata Maiden & Blakely.
The E John specimen was killed.

Manna EUCALYPT. Eucalyptus viminalis Labill.
All were winter killed.

EUCRYPHIA. Eucryphia glutinosa (Poepp. & Endl.) Baill.
The tree on 19th Ave E was gone by summer of 2015.

EUCRYPHIA. Eucryphia nymansensis Bausch.
The trio at the U.W. HUB were killed during a remodel in summer 2010. The tree at 42nd Ave NE, disappeared in January 2013.

Alpine FIR. Abies lasiocarpa (Hook.) Nutt.
One 43 feet tall, on 47th Ave NE, was cut down in 2009.

Balsam FIR. Abies balsamea L.
The Arboretum conifer meadow specimen was cut some time in the summer of 2007.

Fraser FIR. Abies balsamea L.
The Arboretum conifer meadow specimen was cut some time in the summer of 2007.

Spanish FIR. Abies Fraseri (Pursh) Poir.
The S.U. specimen was gone by 2014.

White FIR. Abies concolor (Gord. & Glend.) Lindl. ex Hildeb.
Six at the U.W. southwest of the stadium were cut down in January 2010.

FRANKLIN TREE. Franklinia alatamaha Bart. ex Marsh.
The large Arboretum specimen was cut some time in the summer of 2007.

Chimæric GOLDENCHAIN. + Laburnocytisus Adamii (Poit.) Schneid.
A specimen (28 feet tall; 2 feet 4 inches circumference) in Washington Park Arboretum (#1285-47 in 19-4E) died in summer 2006; a smaller specimen of the same accession number lives just north of it.

Chimæric GOLDENCHAIN. + Laburnocytisus Adamii (Poit.) Schneid.
The street tree on 19th Ave E was cut in September 2007.

GOLDEN RAIN TREE. Koelreuteria paniculata Laxm.
The E Valley St tree was cut in 2014.

HACKBERRY. Celtis occidentalis L.
The two Arboretum specimens in 11-3W and 11-4W were cut down in 2006.

HACKBERRY. Celtis sinensis Pers.
The UW tree was cut down in 2014.

Autumn Glory HAWTHORN. Cratægus 'Autumn Glory'
The six specimens at 19th Ave E & E Mercer Street were cut down in 2007.

Black HAWTHORN. Cratægus Douglasii Lindl.
The S Othello Street tree was killed in 2006-2007.

Shortspine Black HAWTHORN. Cratægus Suksdorfii (Sarg.) Kruschke
The U.W. Architecture Hall tree was cut down in a fall 2006 remodel; it may resprout from the roots.

Weeping Common HAWTHORN. Cratægus monogyna f. pendula (Loud.) Rehd.
The 16th Ave E street-tree was cut down in April 2013.

Downy HAWTHORN. Cratægus mollis (T. & G.) Scheele
The 2006 mid-December storm blew over the 37 foot-tall Leschi Park specimen. Later on sometime Volunteer Park's tree disappeared.

Green HAWTHORN. Cratægus viridis L.
The 506 18th Ave E street-tree was killed in August 2010. But a young specimen is at 917 18th Ave. The Densmore Ave N tree was removed in 2011.

Pink HAWTHORN. Cratægus lævigata 'Plena'
The two street-trees on 3rd Avenue W were cut down in late 2006 or early 2007.

Pink HAWTHORN. Cratægus lævigata 'Punicea'
The 6 street-trees on 15th Avenue NE were cut down in July 2008.

Shining HAWTHORN. Cratægus nitida (Engelm.) Sarg.
The U.W. specimen was destroyed in the summer of 2009.

Washington HAWTHORN. Cratægus Phænopyrum (L. fil.) Med.
The 2006 mid-December storm snapped a 31 foot-tall Arboretum specimen in 11-2W.

Mountain HEMLOCK. Tsuga Mertensiana (Bong.) Carr.
The 39.5 foot-tall specimen on 13th Ave NW was broken by a storm in December 2010, and removed. In 2013, the Federal Ave E tree was cut down.

Pecan Tree (HICKORY). Carya illinoiensis (Wang.) K. Koch.
The U.W. specimen died in 2006.

HOHERIA. Hoheria populnea A. Cunn.
The young tree 6 feet tall in a back yard died in the winter of 2005-2006.

HOLLY. Ilex Aquifolium L.
The Zoo trees of 'Laurifolia' 50 feet tall were cut in 2007.

Asian HOLLY. Ilex purpurea Haask.
The Roanoke Park specimen died in winter 2010-2011.

Asian HOLLY. Ilex 'September Gem'
The eleven at CUH were killed in spring on 2013.

HOP BUSH. Dodonæa viscosa Jacq.
The UW trees were winter killed in 2009-2010.

Red Buckeye (HORSECHESTNUT). Æsculus Pavia L.
The Blue Ridge Drive tree is gone.

Yellow Buckeye (HORSECHESTNUT). Æsculus octandra Marsh.
The Zoo tree 61 feet tall was cut in 2007.

JAPANESE BLUEBERRY TREE. Elaeocarpus sylvestris (Lour.) Poir.
The zoo trees died in a cold winter; the NW 70th St tree disapppeared; the Ellis Ave S one was gone by 2014.

Weeping JUNIPER. Juniperus chinensis var. pendula Franch.
The one at Ravenna Ave NE was cut in 2007.

Hollywood JUNIPER. Juniperus chinensis var. torulosa (Eastwood) Bailey
As of the August 2006, the large Brooklyn Avenue NE tree is gone.

Variegated Chinese JUNIPER. Juniperus chinensis var. torulosa (Eastwood) Bailey 'Variegata'
Some time in 2006 or 2007, the N 44th Street specimen was cut down.

Rocky Mountain JUNIPER. Juniperus scopulorum Sarg. 'Skyrocket'
In 2016, the UW nine, were cut.

Camphor LAUREL. Cinnamomum Camphora (L.) J.S. Presl
The Boyer Ave E tree was cut down in July 2010 by new owners. It had been thriving previously.

Tree LILAC. Syringa reticulata (Bl.) Hara
7 of 11 Arboretum specimens in 13-3W were cut down in 2006.

Black LOCUST. Robinia Pseudoacacia L. Twisty Baby 'Lace Lady'
In July 2013, the tree on Boyer Ave E, was cut.

Black LOCUST. Robinia Pseudoacacia L. 'Rozynskiana'
In summer or fall 2015, the city's only specimen, on E Spruce St, was cut.

Black LOCUST. Robinia Pseudoacacia L. 'Umbraculifera'
Sometime in summer 2006, the 2 specimens at Queen Anne Apartments, 2nd Ave N & Galer St, were cut.

Black LOCUST hybrid. Robinia 'Decaisneana'
Sometime in late 2006, the specimen at 1732 N 122nd St was cut.

Black LOCUST hybrid. Robinia 'Idaho'
Two of three on E Denny Way died in 2006 - 2007. The third was cut down in 2013.

Black LOCUST hybrid. Robinia Purple RobeTM
Sometime in late 2006, the specimen on Meridian Ave N was cut.

Honey LOCUST. Gleditsia triacanthos L.
In 2009, the U.W. specimen west of the Johnson Hall was cut.

Honey LOCUST. Gleditsia triacanthos L. 'Elegantissima'
Sometime in early 2008, the U.W. specimen was cut.

Hybrid MADRONA. Arbutus 'Marina'
The 8th Ave NW street-trees tended to flop, suffer freeze damage, and the like --so were all replaced by Serviceberry trees and other species.

Strawberry Tree MADRONA. Arbutus Unedo L.
The large old specimens at 16th Ave E & Denny Way were cut down in February 2007.

Yellow Cucumber-Tree MAGNOLIA. Magnolia acuminata var. subcordata (Spach) Dandy
The tree at the Good Shepherd Center died in 2009-2010.

Modern Hybrid MAGNOLIA. Magnolia 'Caerhays Belle'
One at 5430 NE Windermere Rd was gone by spring 2008; yet a street-tree of this clone is at 5016 21st Ave NE.

Modern Hybrid MAGNOLIA. Magnolia 'Star Wars'
The Arboretum's specimen was lost in the 2008-2009 winter.

Saucer MAGNOLIA. Magnolia Soulangeana 'Rustica Rubra'
The 48th Place NE specimen was gone by September 2009.

Sweet Bay MAGNOLIA. Magnolia virginiana (L.) L. 'Mattie Mae Smith'
The tree planted in 2004 died in 2008.

MAGNOLIA relative. Manglietia insignis (Wall.) Bl. =
One at 25th Ave E & E Miller St was removed in 2011.

MAGNOLIA relative. Parakmeria lotungensis (Chun & Tsoon) Y.W. Law = Magnolia lotungensis Chun & Tsoon
One at the Seattle Chinese Garden froze to death in winter 2006-07.

Amur MAPLE. Acer tataricum ssp. Ginnala (Maxim.) Wesm.
One 30 feet tall, and much wider, at the NE corner of 38th Ave E & 38th Pl E, was cut down in autumn 2006.

Box-Elder MAPLE. Acer Negundo L.
The 12th Ave E tree was gone by 2016; a smaller specimen remains on that street.

Norway MAPLE. Acer platanoides L.
The S.P.U. stout "declining" one is gone, but the tall one east of it still thrives.

Stripebark MAPLE. Acer rufinerve S. & Z.
The Arboretum's largest was lost in the 2008-2009 winter. The last of the UW CUH stripebark maples was cut down in December 2014. (It had been a dumb location for these woodland species.)

(Black) Sugar MAPLE. Acer saccharum ssp. nigrum (Michx. fil) Desmarais
The 2006 mid-December storm killed the Green Lake specimen.

Vineleaf MAPLE. Acer cissifolium (S. & Z.) K. Koch.
The Arboretum's largest was lost in the 2008-2009 winter.

MONKEY TREE. Araucaria araucana (Mol.) K. Koch
One at 9th Ave NW & NW 60th Street was cut down in January 2010.

MOUNTAIN ASH. Sorbus anglica Hedl.
One at the U.W. southwest of the stadium was cut down in January 2010.

MOUNTAIN ASH. Sorbus aucuparia L.
In 2008, the huge Washelli Cemetery specimen broke up.

MOUNTAIN ASH. Sorbus intermedia (Ehrh.) Pers.
In 2013, the 4 trees along Linden Ave N were replaced with many Summer Sprite Littleleaf Lindens.

MOUNTAIN ASH. Sorbus tianschanica Rupr.
Sometime in 2008, the Locks specimen disappeared.

White MULBERRY. Morus alba L.
Sometime in early 2008, the huge U.W. specimen was cut.

Arizona White OAK. Quercus arizonica Sarg.
The U.W. tree was cut down in 2008.

Chestnut OAK. Quercus Prinus L.
The tree 36th Ave E was cut down in August 2009 due to it having begun to break up.

Chinese Cork OAK. Quercus variabilis Bl.
The U.W. tree was killed in April 2010 in a construction project.

Live OAK. Quercus virginiana Mill.
The S.U. street-trees on 12th Ave were taken down in 2008-2009. (Others were planted on campus in 2010)

Netleaf OAK. Quercus rugosa Nee
The tree at 2068 Interlaken Place E was cut down on March 21st 2006.

Oregon White OAK. Quercus Garryana Doug. ex Hook.
The tree at 5115 S Othello Street was cut down in March 2006.

Swamp White OAK. Quercus bicolor Willd.
The 2006 mid-December storm ruined the 79 foot-tall Arboretum tree.

Turkish OAK. Quercus Cerris L.
The 2006 mid-December storm killed one of 19 at Mt Baker Park.

Water OAK. Quercus nigra L.
A new building project at the U.W. destroyed the Balmer Hall specimen in October 2008.

Willow OAK. Quercus Phellos L.
The 2006 mid-December storm killed the giant on Lake Washington Blvd. E & 36th Ave E; it was about 58 years old.

Willow OAK. Quercus Phellos L.
The street-tree on 20th Ave E was cut down in 2007.

OSMANTHUS. Osmanthus heterophyllus (G. Don.) P.S. Green
The variegated specimen at 914 N 35th Street was cut down in 2006. The stump may resprout . . .

OSMANTHUS. Osmanthus Fortunei Carr.
The 'San Jose' specimen at Brooklyn Ave NE & NE 56th St died in 2007-2008.

PEACH TREE. Prunus Persica (L.) Batsch
The 32nd Ave NE tree died in 2008. The 20th Ave NE dwarf was replaced in winter 2011-2012.

PEANUT-BUTTER TREE. Clerodendrum trichotomum Th.
The 25th Ave E pair were cut down in 2011.

Korean Flowering PEAR TREE. Pyrus Faurei Schneid.
The pair on 17th Ave E were cut down in July 2014.

Kaki PERSIMMON. Diospyros Kaki L. fil.
The 27.5 foot-tall Arboretum specimen in 12-3W was cut down in 2006.

Kaki PERSIMMON. Diospyros Kaki L. fil.
The Broadway & Edgar tree was cut down in late 2007 or early 2008.

Aleppo PINE. Pinus halepensis Mill.
The 2006 mid-December storm blew over the 19 foot-tall Arboretum Foster Island tree #230-94B; it will likely live if righted and braced.

Austrian Black PINE. Pinus nigra Arn.
One 64 feet tall and 9 feet 8 inches circumference at Dunlap School was cut down in the winter of 2005-2006.

Bigcone PINE. Pinus Coulteri D. Don
The Wallingford Ave N tree was a cut stump by May 2012.

Corsican Black PINE. Pinus nigra Arn. ssp. Laricio (Poir.) Maire
The 2006 mid-December storm killed one of three at the U.W. NE of Clark Hall.

Bristlecone PINE. Pinus aristata Engelm. ex Parry & Engelm.
The 2006 mid-December storm blew a blue Colorado Spruce onto the Volunteer Park pine, breaking much of it. In February 2008 the Park Dept. killed it!

Bristlecone PINE. Pinus longæva D.K. Bailey
In March 2008 the Dibble Avenue tree was transplanted to Olympia.

Eastern White PINE. Pinus Strobus L.
The large 'Fastigiata' at the U.W. HUB was killed during a remodel in summer 2010.

Hybrid White PINE. Pinus Schwerinii Fitsch.
One 42 feet tall and 2 feet 8 inches circumference at Green Lake was cut down in the winter of 2005-2006.

Jack PINE. Pinus Banksiana Lamb.
A dying specimen (54 feet tall, 2 feet 5 inches circumference) on the U.W. campus west of Anderson Hall finally died in spring 2006.

Jack PINE. Pinus Banksiana Lamb.
The 2006 mid-December storm tilted the 69 foot-tall Arboretum Foster Island tree.

Jack PINE. Pinus Banksiana Lamb.
The 37 foot-tall Lake View Cemetery tree was cut in 2009.

Japanese Red PINE. Pinus densiflora S. & Z. 'Umbraculifera'
In late 2006 one of the 8 at Green Lake died.

Japanese White PINE. Pinus parviflora S. & Z.
The trio at the U.W. HUB were killed during a remodel in summer 2010.

Knobcone PINE. Pinus attenuata Lemm.
A stout specimen (8 feet 3 inches circumference) in Washington Park Arboretum (#200-54A in 34-7E) fell over in February.

Knobcone PINE. Pinus attenuata Lemm.
The 2006 mid-December storm killed one of two at the U.W. behind Bloedel Hall.

Limber PINE. Pinus flexilis James var. reflexa Engelm.
The 2006 mid-December storm blew over the 66 foot-tall Arboretum 'Glenmore Silver' tree.

Mexican White PINE. Pinus strobiformis Engelm.
The 2006 mid-December storm killed one of seven at the U.W. south of McCarty Hall.

Monterey PINE. Pinus radiata D. Don
One by the garage at 5116 SW Hudson Street was cut down before June 2006. The E Lynn St one, 85 feet tall, was cut in November 2012.

Stone PINE. Pinus Pinea L.
A 2007 December rainstorm toppled and killed the big one at Washington Park Arboretum.

Piñón. Pinus cembroides Zucc. ex K. Bayer
The specimen at Acacia Cemetery, was gone when I looked in 2009.

Swiss Stone PINE. Pinus Cembra L.
The Laurelhurst Drive tree was gone by summer 2013.

Whitebark PINE. Pinus albicaulis Engelm.
The only specimen known, at Acacia Cemetery, was a stump when I looked in 2009.

American PLUM TREE. Prunus americana Marsh.
The trees on E Cherry Street were killed in 2009-2010, replaced by yet another boring old maple . . .

Cherry PLUM TREE. Prunus cerasifera Ehrh.
The two Lake View Cemetery trees were cut in 2009.

Cherry PLUM TREE. Prunus cerasifera 'Nigra'
The Fred Meyer specimens were all cut down in January 2013. I know no others in the city.

Cherry PLUM TREE. Prunus cerasifera 'Thundercloud'
The big tree at 16th Ave E & E McGraw St was cut in 2010. And the one at 17th & E McGraw in March 2013.

Cherry PLUM TREE. Prunus 'Cistena'
In January 2014, the 23rd Ave E tree was removed.

Cherry PLUM TREE. Prunus 'Hollywood'
The 2006 mid-December storm knocked over the U.W. Medicinal Herb Garden tree. It still lives.

Cherry PLUM TREE. Prunus 'Moseri'
Volunteer Park's specimen collapsed in the winter of 2008-2009. The 11th Ave E tree was gone by April 2011.

Japanese PLUM TREE. Prunus salicina Lindl.
The street-tree at 2008 33rd Ave S was cut down some time in 2006 or early 2007. In 2013, the yard tree on Fuhrman was cut.

Black POPLAR. Populus nigra L. 'Italica'
The 2006 mid-December storm killed the giant on Lake Washington Blvd. S.

White POPLAR. Populus alba L. 'Nivea'
The 60 foot-tall Lake View Cemetery tree was cut in 2009. In 2010, one of the 3 on Lake Washington Blvd S fell down.

Tree PRIVET. Ligustrum lucidum Ait. fil.
Some time in 2006 the 29 foot tall specimen at 1310 Lake Washington Blvd. was removed.

Common QUINCE Tree. Cydonia oblonga Mill.
In 2013, the Federal Ave E tree was cut down.

California REDBUD. Cercis occidentalis Torr. ex Gray.
The pair at the U.W. HUB were killed during a remodel in summer 2010.

Judas Tree (REDBUD). Cercis Siliquastrum L.
The NW Milford Way tree was cut some time in 2007.

Coast REDWOOD. Sequoia sempervirens (D. Don) Endl.
The huge tree on East Laurelhurst Drive was cut in spring 2008.

Dawn REDWOOD. Metasequoia glyptostroboides Hu & Cheng
In 2014, 3 of 4 specimens on Harvard Ave E were cut (and all but 2 Italian CYPRESSES.)

SASSAFRAS. Sassafras albidum (Nutt.) Nees
The UW Denny Hall suckers were destroyed in 2016.

SEA BUCKTHORN. Hippophaäe rhamnoides L.
The female specimen at the Good Shepherd Center was cut down in the winter of 2005-2006, but will resprout presumably.

SILK TREE. Albizia Julibrissin Drazz.
The Arboretum's largest was lost in the 2008-2009 winter.

SNOWBELL TREE. Styrax japonicus S. & Z.
The tree at 10723 24th Ave NE was cut down in 2007. A new house was erected south of the old house . . .

Engelmann SPRUCE. Picea Engelmannii Parry ex Engelm.
The 2006 mid-December storm knocked down the 27th Ave NE specimen.

Serbian SPRUCE. Picea Omorika (Panc.) Purk.
The 2006 mid-December storm snapped a 48 foot-tall Arboretum specimen.

Dwarf Alberta White SPRUCE. Picea glauca 'Conica'
The Boston Terrace pair are gone as of September 2013.

STEWARTIA. Stewartia ovata (Cav.) Waetherby.
The very rare 51st Ave NE specimen was replaced about 2010 by common bamboo and a Japandese maple.

Chinese SUMACH. Rhus chinensis Mill.
The tiny specimen at the Locks died.

Potanin SUMACH. Rhus Potaninii Maxim.
In March 2016, the Cowen Park tree trunk split, and it was cut down --it may resprout.

Staghorn SUMACH. Rhus typhina L.
The 2006 mid-December storm blew down a stout specimen at the U.W. by the Burke-Gilman Trail. Workers cut it to pieces and took it away.

Staghorn SUMACH. Rhus typhina L.
The wide cutleaf specimen at the corner of 36th Ave NE & NE 43rd Street, was cut down, before or during 2009.

SWEETGUM. Liquidambar Styraciflua L.
The Loyal Heights School trees were down in 2007. One of the two E Aloha Street street-trees was removed in February 2010.

Spring Flowering TAMARISK. Tamarix parviflora DC.
The tree at 4433 50th Ave S (at S Oregon St) was cut down in the winter of 2005-2006.

Summer Flowering TAMARISK. Tamarix chinensis Lour.
The tree on Federal Avenue E was cut down in February 2010.

hybrid Black WALNUT. Juglans Hindsii x J. nigra
The Arboretum's only one was lost in the 2008-2009 winter.

Corkscrew WILLOW. Salix Matsudana Koidz. 'Tortuosa'
One of two street trees at 346 16th Ave E was cut down on June 28th 2006. The second was cut in December 2007. The U.W. campus 59-foot tall tree was cut in early 2010.

Rosemary WILLOW. Salix Elæagnos Scop.
The huge UW specimen was cut down in 2007.

Violet WILLOW. Salix daphnoides Vill.
In fall 2006, the huge Arboretum specimen went down.

Hybrid Pussy WILLOW. Salix sericans Tausch ex Kern
The tree on the SW corner of 10th Ave W & W Ruffner St was cut in April 2006; it likely will resprout.

Hybrid White WILLOW. Salix rubens Schrank
The 2006 mid-December storm blew over the 79 foot-tall Arboretum tree.

Babylon Weeping WILLOW. Salix babylonica L. 'Crispa'
In fall 2006, the 56 foot-tall Arboretum specimen went down.

Golden Weeping WILLOW. Salix sepulcralis Simonk. 'Chrysocoma'
The landmark specimen at Dahl Playfield was cut down on September 27th 2006 by the Seattle Parks Department --despite a flood of community opposition.

WINTER'S BARK. Drimys Winteri Forst.
The Good Shepherd Center tree died in 2007. The 12th Ave S & S Hanford Street died from Phytophthora root rot.

Chinese YELLOW-WOOD. Cladrastis Delavayi (Franch.) Prain
One youngster at 5710 26th Ave NW died in summer 2006.

YEW-PINE. Podocarpus macrophyllus (Th. ex Murr.) Sw.
The two on McGilvra Blvd. were remplaced with birch trees in late 2006 or early 2007.

English YEW. Taxus baccata L. 'Adpressa'
The two on W Galer St were gone by May 2010.

2) New kinds of trees to add to the 1,400 kinds in Trees of Seattle:

Hybrid ELM. Ulmus 'Frontier'
A young street-tree is at 2136 E Shelby St.

Hybrid ELM. Ulmus 'Patriot'
A young street-tree is at 808 36th Ave E.

Redbox EUCALYPT. Eucalyptus polyanthemos Schauer
This is a cold-tender species. A young street-tree is at the Gypsy Trader, 3510 Stone Way N. (But due to winter damage was cut in April 2007; it did not resprout.)

Carolina HEMLOCK Tsuga caroliniana Engelm.
A well established specimen, decades old, is at 9230 13th Ave NW.

Modern Hybrid MAGNOLIA Magnolia Black Tulip™
One was planted at the Streissguth gardens in 2006.

Modern Hybrid MAGNOLIA Magnolia 'Sayonara'
One was planted at the Streissguth gardens in 2001.

Miyabei MAPLE Acer Miyabei Maxim. State Street™
A major street-tree planting in 2011 on Fauntleroy Way SW.

Torrey PINE. Pinus Torreyana Parry ex Carr.
One 30 feet tall is at the Good Shepherd Center (Sunnyside Avenue N & N 50th Street), north of the building.

Crimson Pointe PLUM Tree. Prunus cerasifera Ehrh. Crimson Pointe™
A couple of young street-trees noticed in 2011 on 45th Ave SW north of SW Findlay Street.

Chilean Soapbark-Tree. Quillaja Saponaria Mol. ROSACEÆ; Rose Family.
One 24 feet tall at the U.W. campus in the Forestry building courtyard, right up against Bloedel Hall. It is multitrunked and so far has not bloomed. It is a cold-tender species.

Variegated Tulip Tree. Liriodendron Tulipifera 'Aureo-marginatum'
A young street-tree is at 123 18th Avenue E.

Variegated Sweetgum. Liquidambar Styraciflua 'Golden Treasure'
Two street-trees on N 43rd St just east of Fremont Ave N.

3) Some mistakes or needed notes in the second edition of Trees of Seattle:

Page 30 cites some Acacia longifolia Sydney Golden Wattle ACACIA trees mixed with Blackwood ACACIA trees at the U.W. campus, and says the i.d. of these specimens is tentative . . . well, all the trees are Blackwood ACACIAS though they vary as if they are two strains. In 2017, I was informed that the Blackwood above the Burke-Gilman Trail is really Acacia implexa Benth. known as Lightwood, or Hickory Wattle.

Page 39 cites a Platycladus orientalis 'Sanderi tree "believed to be this cultivar" . . . actually it is a Sawara CYPRESS: Chamæcyparis pisifera 'Squarrosa Dumosa' and an even taller one (17.5 feet in 2009) is at Kubota Garden Park.


Page 44 cites an Azara microphylla "2702 10th Ave W" . . . actually it is at 2707.

Page 90 cites a Prunus pendula Weeping CHERRY at 2046 42nd Ave E . . . but it is really an own-root 'Pendula Plena Rosea' cultivar --the only own-root specimen I have seen of this clone.

Page 90 cites a Prunus pendula var. ascendens Wild Spring or Equinox CHERRY on Shilshole Avenue NW, flanked by a 'Whitcomb' CHERRY to the north and a 'Kwanzan' CHERRY to the south . . . but the 'Kwanzan' CHERRY is really a Yoshino CHERRY.

Page 99 cites 11 CHITALPA locations . . . but should note that 9 are cv. 'Pink Dawn' and only 2 are 'Morning Cloud' (U.W.: CUH, and 6507 2nd Ave NW). Moreover, it was reported in 2006 that the two clones have different backgrounds. 'Morning Cloud' was Catalpa speciosa x Chilopsis linearis ; while 'Pink Dawn' was (Catalpa ocata x C. speciosa) x Chilopsis linearis.

Page 146 cites 5 'Pioneer' Hybrid ELMS at Green Lake . . . but they are cv. 'Frontier' and there are 6, the tallest 37 feet in 2008.

Page 176 cites a Black HAWTHORN Cratægus Douglasii at the U.W. Medicinal Herb Garden . . . but it is a Shortspine Black HAWTHORN, C. Suksdorfii.

Page 181 cites a Hupeh HAWTHORN Cratægus hupehensis at 6837 30th Ave NE . . . but it is at 6811 really, and the hydrangea shrubs are now gone.

Page 191 cites a 51 foot-tall English HOLLY between 2215 and 2219 E Howe St . . . but it is between 2215 and 2209.

Page 205 treats Rocky Mountain JUNIPER Juniperus scopulorum and cites various specimens . . . but in Dec. 2007 a botanist "split" this species, making the Puget Sound native population J. maritima. The Arborteum has both species; the other Seattle specimens cited in my book are all J. scopulorum.

Page 226 cites a broad stout MADRONA north of 10054 Stone Ave N . . . but it should read 10058.

Page 227 says 2 young Anhwei MAGNOLIA at Miller Community Center may be this species . . . but they are not; their i.d. is unknown.

Page 234 cites 4 street-tree hybrid Kobus MAGNOLIA on Wallingford Avenue N . . . but these are really Wada's Memory MAGNOLIA as is noted on page 242.

Page 235 cites a street-tree Modern Hybrid MAGNOLIA 'Caerhays Surprise' on NW 60th St . . . but it is on NW 61st St.

Page 290 mentions a young Mexican OAK Quercus salicifolia Née . . . but it is not; it is really Q. salicina Bl. from Japan and Korea.

Page 299 mentions a young OLIVE TREE Olea europæa L. . . . but as of August 2010 is not; it is a weeping willowleaf PEAR TREE. Either am olive tree was replaced, or I made an error 5 years ago. I do not know.

Page 312 cites 8 street-trees of Fraser PHOTINIA on Broadway E, north of E Lynn St . . . but these trees are long gone.

Page 368 cites various 'Robin Hill' SERVICEBERRIES . . . but it seems all these trees except those at the Arboretum are really Amelanchier lævis Lustre® (they are mislabeled at nurseries).

Page 392 cites an UMBRELLA PINE at 20th Ave E & E Prospect St --it should read 21st Ave E.


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