Arthur Lee Jacobson plant expert
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Arthur Lee Jacobson tour

Arthur Lee Jacobson's
Plant Tours

    Since 1980 I have given tours, lectures, and slide-shows about Seattle plants. Exploring Seattle, documenting plant occurrence, noting flowering and fruiting times, tasting edibles, and teaching others, is a joy. Tours allow people to benefit personally from my learning. Due to the official pandemic restrictions, no tours were offered in 2020, or the first half of 2021. In 2022, I led seven tours --I was too busy to lead more. In 2023 eight. As 2024 proceeds, I will keep adding tours to this page . . . During most years, I lead 13 to 16 of these tours.
    TIME: It varies. Most tours are on Sundays from 3:00 to 5:00. Dress for the weather, and be prepared to be walking for nearly all of the two hours. Usually at the end of the tour I ask if anyone cares to join me to sit down somewhere nearby for rest, chatting, a bite to eat and a drink.
    WHAT TO BRING: Whatever you prefer, such as notebooks, cameras, tape recorders, bags to put samples in, fieldguides. Please, no dogs.
    NO IFS, ANDS or BUTS: Tours are conducted even if it rains or if there is a low turnout. Registrants will be called if an emergency occurs.
    SIZE LIMIT: Tours are limited to 15 participants (only 10 for edible plant ones). First come, first served. For tours that sell out, additional ones may be scheduled. Moreover, custom tours can be arranged for your group.
    COST: The cost per participant is $10 (i.e., $9.07 plus $.93 sales tax). Payment by cash or checks only. If you prepay for a tour, but miss it, you receive credit for a future one.

    Details and registration: For additional information, or to register, call Arthur Lee Jacobson at (206) 328-TREE (328-8733).

    Note: The first 15 people who register for a tour, fill it. If you don't want to commit yourself now, you can always wait, then call at the last moment to see if space remains. Most tours will have space available even on the very day they are scheduled.

Sunday, May 19, 2:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Capitol Hill to U District
    A long walk of at least 4 miles from Sound Transit's Link light-rail Capitol Hill station to the U District. On this tour, we depart from the southeast corner of Broadway & E John St at 2:00, meander north over Capitol Hill, through wooded Interlaken Park and Montlake neighborhood, looking both at plantings and wild plants and trees, on our way to the U District. The walk begins with an uphill climb to 15th Ave E; thereafter it is flat or downhill the rest of the way. You will see the city's tallest redwood, tallest red maple, largest manzanita, and the like. Upon finishing at U District, attendees can ride Sound Transit anywhere they care to; if we want, we can first sit at a pub to chat, too.

huge Manzanita tree in Montlake

huge Manzanita tree in Montlake (photo by ALJ)

Sunday, April 21, 3:00 p.m. - 5:00.
Edible Plants
    Food prices are rising. Some foods are getting scarce. And this will worsen. So, more of us must garden, and forage. On this walk you will learn about both wild and cultivated edible plants. At this season, greens abound; berries are later. Meet at Washington Park Arboretum, outside the Graham Visitor center restrooms. Wear shoes that can get wet or muddy. The tour will start and end in the arboretum, but may go outside into Montlake neighborhood.

miner's lettuce in bloom

miner's lettuce in bloom (photo by ALJ)

Friday, March 22, 9:30 a.m. - 11:30.
Green Lake trees
     In 1992, I published the book Trees of Green Lake. Then, 162 different kinds of trees circled the lake; now over 200 exist (listed on my website here). This tour will not get all the way around the lake. It will loop around the north and northwest part. But we will see the best trees. Many trees will be lovely in flowers and fresh greenery. I last led this tour in 2019. We may need a bit more than 2 hours. Meet between the path and big parking lot on the E shore. Afterward, anyone is welcome to join me for lunch at nearby Rosita's Mexican Grill.

Green Lake

Green Lake in spring (photo by ALJ)


Arthur Lee Jacobson plant expert
Arthur Lee Jacobson plant expert
Arthur Lee Jacobson plant expert
Arthur Lee Jacobson plant expert
Arthur Lee Jacobson plant expert
Arthur Lee Jacobson plant expert
Arthur Lee Jacobson plant expert
Arthur Lee Jacobson plant expert
Arthur Lee Jacobson plant expert
Arthur Lee Jacobson plant expert
Arthur Lee Jacobson plant expert
Arthur Lee Jacobson plant expert
Arthur Lee Jacobson plant expert

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